Fiscal Year 2022 (FY2022/3, Ended March 2022)
Q&A Summary - FY2022/3 Earnings and Mid-Term Business Plan for FY2023/3-FY2025/3 (177KB)
Presentation with note - FY2022/3 Earnings and Mid-Term Business Plan for FY2023/3-FY2025/3 (1,270KB)
Presentation - FY2022/3 Earnings and Mid-Term Business Plan for FY2023/3-FY2025/3 (1,392KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Year-end Dividend for FY2022/3 (120KB)
Q&A Summary- FY2022/3 Interim Earnings Conference (189KB)
Presentation with note - FY2022/3 Interim Earnings Conference (2,873KB)
Presentation - FY2022/3 Interim Earnings Conference (1,570KB)
(Correction) Revision of forecasts, Interim Dividend and projection of Year-end Dividend (126KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Establishes Sustainability Committee (103KB)
(Correction)FS for FY2020/3 Full Year (190KB)
(Correction) Presentation - Earnings call for FY2020/3 (747KB)
Q&A Summary- FY2020/3 Earnings Call (200KB)
Presentation with note- FY2020/3 Earnings Call (3,728KB)
Presentation - FY2020/3 Earnings Call (1,258KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Year-end Dividend for FY2020/3 (121KB)
Note) Presentations for FY2020/3 Full Year have been corrected on May 28th, 2020.
Q&A Summary - FY2019/3 Earnings Conference (171KB)
Presentation with note - FY2019/3 Earnings Conference (3,382KB)
Presentation - FY2019/3 Earnings Conference (2,365KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Transition to company with Audit and Supervisory Committee, Amendment of Article of Incorporation, and Changes of Executives after the transition (178KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces a Year-end Dividend for FY2019/3 (95KB)
Q&A Summary - FY2018/3 Earnings Conference (87KB)
Presentation Material - FY2018/3 Earnings Conference (with Speaker's note) (7,548KB)
Presentation Material - FY2018/3 Earnings Conference (4,830KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces a Year-end Dividend for FY2018/3 and 70th Anniversary Commemorative Dividend for FY2019/3 (100KB)
Fiscal Year 2017 (FY2017/3, Ended March 2017)
Fiscal Year 2016 (FY2016/3, Ended March 2016)
Q&A Summary- FY2021/3 Interim Earnings Conference (366KB)
Presentation with note - FY2021/3 Interim Earnings Conference (2,114KB)
Presentation - FY2021/3 Interim Earnings Conference (1,695KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Forecasts for Fiscal Year Ending March 31st, 2021 (89KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Interim Dividend and Projection of Year-end Dividend for Fiscal Year Ending March 31st, 2021 (92KB)
Tokyo Seimitsu Announces Repurchases of Own Shares (103KB)