Tokyo Seimitsu participated in an Web seminar for individual investors hosted by Nomura Investor Relations on March 9th(Mon), 2020.
To browse presentation by Hitoshi Yoshida, President and CEO, please access to following external link.
(Please note that presentation and verbal comments are in Japanese.)
- The link will be expired on September 12th, 2020.
- If you are unable to see presentation, please click "Help(ヘルプ)," ,top-right of the window, to ensure the settings.
- This information contains “forward-looking statements” that are based on best available information as at the date of the Seminar (March 9th, 2020) and policies. There are various factors such as world economic conditions and semiconductor/automobile market conditions which will directly and indirectly impact the Company’s results in the future. As a result, future outcomes may differ from those projected in this document.