Automated, Labor-saving Measurements

Steps to use the service

1. Inquire about requirements
Tosei Engineering automation engineers attend meetings together with sales staff
Inquire about specific requirements

2. Provide estimate
Tosei Engineering provides estimate for complete system, as well as individual measuring instruments
Leave all aspects of your system design up to ACCRETECH, including dealing with robot and transportation equipment manufacturers and system integrators! Planning is now so simple

3. Jig production/program creation/system integration
Measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment and programs are tested for overall operation as a system
(system integration might only be performed on site in some cases)

4. Installation
Covers all steps, from transporting machinery to site, starting up the system, testing operation, and providing operators with operation training

5. Follow-up services
The ACCRETECH Group is standing by to respond to any issues, from questions about operation after installation to periodic inspections and maintenance, dealing with problems, and providing calibration services
1. Automated measurements in inspection rooms

Connected inspection
Available in a range of configurations, from human workers and robots working together, to fully automated systems, to reduce work hours
2. Automated measurements on processing lines

Connected line
Automatically measuring parts after they are processed provides visualization at production sites, and reduces production losses
3. Feedback of measurement results to processing machines

Connected machines
Giving feedback of post-measurement results to processing machines helps to maintain reliable production and reduces the number of defective items
4. Data visualization service

Connected data
Automatic visualization of all integrated measurement data allows centralized quality control