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Message from CEO

Our Purpose, which is to “Create the Future” with Semiconductors, and Our Vision and Mission that Pave the Way
The Tokyo Seimitsu Group has defined its Purpose as “Gaging the future with Metrology, Creating the future with Semiconductors.” These words summarize our “determination” to contribute to the further enrichment of society through the manufacture of precision measuring instruments and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Measuring instruments are indispensable for all types of manufacturing, and various semiconductors produced by semiconductor manufacturing equipment are also indispensable to the world. Both of these businesses lines form the foundation of the world. In order to demonstrate the value of our existence to the world through these businesses, it is necessary for all executives and employees to head in the same direction and steadily implement measures to realize our “determination.”
The concrete ways to achieve this are outlined in our “Vision,” which states that the Tokyo Seimitsu Group is always committed to building a “future full of dreams,” and our “Mission” and “Value,” which promote creating the world’s No. 1 products through WIN-WIN relationships. In addition, our “Basic Sustainability Policy” stipulates that we will “play an active role aimed at realizing a sustainable society by forming WIN-WIN relationships with all shareholders” to coexist with stakeholders who possess diverse value judgment criteria and sensibilities.
Sustainability is Essential for Building a “Future Full of Dreams”
What is important for coexisting with stakeholders? First of all, I think it is important to have stakeholders gain an understanding the Tokyo Seimitsu Group. Information is shared and promoted according to the needs of each type of stakeholder. Examples include providing growth strategy information to shareholders, information on product benefits including CO₂ emissions reduction and other sustainability-related data to customers, and sharing information with suppliers and trading companies on the directions we are headed with products. Additionally, we set goals, implement the PDCA cycle, work on achieving individual/specific goals, such as those related to business growth and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and achieve results. I believe that continuing this trend will deepen their understanding of the Group.
In any case, what is important is how many people will be enriched and made happy directly or indirectly by our existence. Our Purpose, Vision, and Basic Sustainability Policy have been established to clarify how this will be done. Sustainability activities are also being conducted for this. The Sustainability Committee, which is the core organization behind our sustainability activities, is attended by employees of various ranks, including top management personnel from each in-house company and Group company in Japan. These activities deepen our understanding of sustainability and lead to results through goal setting and PDCA cycle utilization.
Without sustainability, it also will not be possible to build a “Future Full of Dreams.” Moving forward, we will continue to focus on enhancing sustainability in all areas, from R&D to production, sales, and service, with the aim of realizing our Purpose.
Message from COO

Contributing to the Realization of a Sustainable Society
I believe that sustainability initiatives are indispensable in realizing the Purpose of the Tokyo Seimitsu Group, which is “Gaging the future with Metrology, Creating the future with Semiconductors.” In order to do so, we have formulated our current materiality to serve as a roadmap. In April 2022, when we launched the Mid-term Business Plan, which is in its final year in fiscal 2024, we revised our materiality to clarify the issues that need to be addressed and goals.
Initiatives to Address Sustainability Issues
In regard to the environment, we place importance on solving environmental problems and contributing to the environment through our products. Since the Tokyo Seimitsu Group does not use a large amount of energy to produce products, I believe it is difficult to substantially contribute to solving environmental issues by directly reducing CO₂ emissions. Instead, we aim to contribute to the environment indirectly through our products, including probing machines–products used to manufacture power semiconductors, devices that help reduce CO₂ emissions, grinders–products that have a low environmental impact since they use water instead of chemical substances to control temperature, and charge/discharge testing systems–products that measure the performance of new-energy vehicle (NEV) batteries.
To help create a sustainable society, we are building systems to manage procurement risks, human rights, etc. not only across the Group but throughout the entire supply chain as well. In fiscal 2023, we established the Supply Chain Working Group as a subcommittee of the Sustainability Committee. Annual supplier briefing sessions, held in conjunction with the Human Rights Activity Project, which is also a subcommittee, have become important events for strengthening communication and building cooperative relationships. Additionally, as part of our diversity efforts, we are promoting the appointment of employees regardless of gender or nationality, and has begun attempts to assign foreign nationals employed at overseas subsidiaries to the head office as sales managers.
Responding to the Desire of Stakeholders
The next fiscal year will serve as the start of the next Mid-term Business Plan and materiality will be reviewed according to the content of the plan. And someday, when not only the goals of the materiality but also our aspirations that we have put into the materiality are realized, we will be able to not only contribute to society in terms of reducing our environmental impact but also better respond to the desires of various people. This is our way of giving back to society.