Social Contribution
As we contribute to society through our business activities, we will clarify issues and needs with communities and will advance social contribution activities to resolve these matters, to build a healthy and sustainable society as a corporate citizen.
In May 2022, we made a donation of 10 million yen to Japan for UNHCR, a non-profit organization for humanitarian aid activities in Ukraine. We will continue to consider donation amounts, support targets, outsourced organizations, etc., after carefully examining each individual situation and need.
Education and Culture
Career Studies

Since fiscal 2022, Tokyo Seimitsu’s Hachioji Plant has been welcoming junior high school students in Hachioji City every year. We hold career study sessions for young people to learn and think about career paths. The students who participated in the career study sessions held in fiscal 2023 conveyed their desire to perform work in the future that will contribute to society. In order to help them realize their dreams, we provided the students with information on our raison d’etre, social contribution through our corporate activities, and employee job satisfaction.
Work Experience Opportunities
The 1-day work study program offers participants the opportunity to experience what it is like to work on a semiconductor manufacturing equipment development project and what it is like to work as an engineer. In addition, we provide opportunities to get to know the atmosphere of the workplace through roundtable discussions with senior employees.
Recruitment Information/1-day Work Study Program
Participation in the Future College Program
Tokyo Seimitsu is participating in Future College, a program organized by “SEMI FREAKS,” a semiconductor industry research website for students operated by SEMI Japan. Among the program’s events, we exhibited at “Future College@SEMICON 2023,” a joint information session for students held as part of “SEMICON Japan 2023.” In order to make many students aware of the semiconductor-related industry and increase their aspirations for excellent students, we held an information session in cooperation with other semiconductor industry companies that also participated. We will continue to work on activities to deepen understanding of semiconductor manufacturing for university students and graduate students who are interested in the semiconductor industry.
Future College@SEMICON
Providing a “Place for Learning”
The Metrology Center provides a place for university students, high school students, and local companies to learn how measurement technologies contribute to manufacturing through our world-class products.
Environment and Beautification (Eco-Mindset)
Hachioji Plant’s Contribution to the Community
Hachioji City Adopt-A-Road Program
In this sort of “adoption” program, local residents and private companies carry out beautification activities for roads, parks, or other public facilities, “caring for these as if their own children,” while receiving tools, materials, and support from the local governments with jurisdiction over the facilities. Since 2004, the Hachioji Plant has implemented such activities into a part of the curriculum for new employee group education every year, focusing on the rotary on the east side of JR Kita-Hachioji Station. In fiscal 2023, program activities were held three times with 86 people participating.

Collaboration with Hachioji Fire Department
The four Hachioji firefighting collaborative organizations include "Hachioji Firefighting Discussion Forum", "Hachioji Fire and Disaster Prevention Association", "Hachioji Association for Safety of Hazardous Materials", and "Hachioji Fire Prevention Management Study Group". They work together with Hachioji Fire Department to carry out local fire prevention campaigns and other activities.The General Affairs Department of the Hachioji Plant is currently involved in the local firefighting administration as a member of "Hachioji Association for Safety of Hazardous Materials" and as a vice chairman of "Hachioji Fire Prevention Management Study Group".
Tsuchiura Plant’s Contribution to the Community
Tsuchiura City Pollution Control Agreement
The Tsuchiura Plant has concluded a pollution control agreement with Tsuchiura City, aimed at the conservation of atmospheric environment and water environment, noise and vibration prevention, and the prevention of pollution from business activities.
Nakanuki Park Beautification Activities
The Tsuchiura Plant joins other companies near Nakanuki Park for weekly cleanups in and around the park. Since 2006, we have also carried out cleanups on our own across our divisions in turn every Monday. In fiscal 2023, we did so 50 times with participation by a total of 100 employees. Over the years of these cleanup activities, awareness has increased among the local community. Streets around the park that had been covered in litter have improved markedly. We will continue our activities to help beautify public parks and improve public manners.
Tsuchiura Eco-Partner Agreement
(Human Development: A City where Every Person Acts with Consideration of the Environment - Partnership)
In March 2016, the Tsuchiura Plant signed the “Tsuchiura Eco-Partner Agreement,” which takes a leading role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste in the area around the city of Tsuchiura. The Agreement promotes the efficient use of electricity and other energy as well as the reduction of garbage in business activities, and the initiatives to raise awareness of environmental conservation in the local community.
Eco-partner Agreement, Tsuchiura City municipal website

Donations for Humanitarian Aid Related to the Situation in Ukraine