TOP Sustainability Environment
Climate Change

Climate Change

For many years, Tokyo Seimitsu has set its own targets and worked to conserve energy at its production sites, the Hachioji and Tsuchiura plants. In order to achieve the reduction targets required of signatories to the Paris Agreement and the 2030 target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set by the Japanese government on April 22, 2021, we have set new medium- and long-term reduction targets for CO₂ emissions for energy used and consumed at both plants (Scope 1 and 2), including for business activities, production activities, and research and development. To achieve these targets, we are working to decrease electricity consumption by using electricity derived from renewable and low-carbon sources, and switching to high-efficiency equipment. Results are inspected and evaluated.

CO₂ Emission Reduction Targets

2025 Target By fiscal 2025, reduce Scope 1*¹ and Scope 2*² emissions by 35% from fiscal 2018*³ levels
2030 Target By fiscal 2030, reduce Scope 1*¹ and Scope 2*² emissions by 50% from fiscal 2018*³ levels

CO Emission Reduction Targets

Organizations covered: Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated basis)
*¹ Direct GHG emissions by the Company (emissions from fuel combustion, on-site power generation, and industrial processes)
*² Indirect emissions resulting from the use of electricity and heat supplied by other companies (e.g. emissions associated with electricity purchased from electric power companies)
*³ FY2018 standard emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2): 12,312 (t-CO₂)

Trend in CO₂ Emissions

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total CO₂ emissions
(Scope 1 and Scope 2)
11,982t-CO₂ 9,524t-CO₂ 8,191t-CO₂ 8,257t-CO₂ 11,598t-CO₂
Details Gas(Scope 1) 21t-CO₂ 42t-CO₂ 51t-CO₂ 54t-CO₂ 70t-CO₂
Fuel(Scope 1) 51t-CO₂ 33t-CO₂ 43t-CO₂ 45t-CO₂ 47t-CO₂
(Scope 2)
11,910t-CO₂ 9,449t-CO₂ 8,097t-CO₂ 8,158t-CO₂ 11,481t-CO₂
CO₂ emissions production volume intensity
(Scope 1 and Scope 2)
(t-CO₂ per million yen)
(t-CO₂ per million yen)
(t-CO₂ per million yen)
(t-CO₂ per million yen)
(t-CO₂ per million yen)

Locations covered: Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant, Tsuchiura Plant, and Furudono Plant
The results for fiscal 2023 include data from July onward for the Hanno Plant, when construction of the plant was completed, and from October onward for the Furudono Plant to which operations were transferred.

CO₂ Emission Reduction Results (FY2023)

Result (FY2023)
35% reduction compared to FY2018 by FY2025 11,598t-CO₂
(5.8% reduction
compared to FY2018)
 Year set       
 Benchmark emissions
 Reduction target 

: 2021
: FY2020 to FY2025
: 12,312t-CO₂
: 8,003t-CO₂

Locations covered: Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd. Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant, Tsuchiura Plant, and Furudono Plant

CO₂ Emissions

CO₂ Emissions

Note : The results in FY2023 include those of the Hanno and Furudono plants.


Promotion of Global Warming Prevention (Toward a Decarbonized Society)

Almost all the greenhouse gases emitted by the Company are from the CO₂ equivalent of electricity purchased and used during the plant operations. As a global warming prevention measure, we are promoting initiatives focused on the procurement of renewable electricity and energy conservation.

Specific CO₂ Emission Reduction Examples

Procurement of renewable electric power*¹

Installation/maintenance of solar power generation facilities (Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant, and Tsuchiura Plant)

*¹ Renewable electric power

Electricity generated from renewable energy sources

Solar Power Generation Facilities Capacity and Amount of Solar Power Generation by Plant

Plant FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Hachioji Solar power generation
facilities capacity (kW)
406  406  406
Amount of solar power
generation (MWh)
438.1 416.2 377.2
Hanno Solar power generation
facilities capacity (kW)
- - 713
Amount of solar power
generation (MWh)
- - 224.6
Tsuchiura Solar power generation
facilities capacity (kW)
50 50 50
Amount of solar power
generation (MWh)
56.1 53.5 58.0
Hachioji Plant
Hachioji Plant
Hachioji Plant
Hachioji Plant
Hanno Plant
Hanno Plant
Tsuchiura Plant
Tsuchiura Plant

Switchover to low-carbon electricity/CO₂-free electricity*²

Hachioji Plant
Tsuchiura Plant
Furudono Plant

: Switched in March 2020
: Switched in November 2020
: To switch in May 2024

*² CO₂-free electricity

Electricity that emits no CO₂ when generated. This refers to electricity that is virtually CO₂-free, utilizing environmental value derived from renewable energy sources that do not emit CO₂ 

Electricity Use

Electricity Use

Locations covered: Tokyo Seimitsu Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant (from July 2023), Tsuchiura Plant, and Furudono Plant (from October 2023)
Hanno Plant is a newly completed plant, and Furudono Plant is counted as one of the Company plants, with its business operations transferred.



Specific Examples of Efforts to Promote Energy Conservation (Environmental System Program Initiatives)

Upgrade of Machinery (Hachioji Plant)

Upgrade of air conditioning equipment (Hachioji Plant)

Switchover to LED lighting (inside and outside lights at the Hachioji Plant)

Introduction of motion sensors and timers (Hachioji Plant and Tsuchiura Plant)

Compressor operation management

Review of manufacturing process (processing and assembly) (reduction of man-hours)

Capital expenditures related to these initiatives, etc.: Approx. 40 million yen

Management of Environmental Impact on the Atmosphere

The Company also manufactures freezers that use HFC* gases, for use in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. We properly manage the refrigerant gas, discharging almost no gas to the outside. We are also switching to gas refrigerants that have low global warming potentials.

* Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

Hydrofluorocarbons do not contain chlorine atoms that deplete the ozone layer and are therefore used as chlorofluorocarbon substitutes in air conditioners and other coolants

Atmospheric Gas Discharge

Unit: t-CO₂ 

Other Gases FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
CH₄ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
N₂O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HFC 2.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PFC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SF₆ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Locations covered: Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant, and Tsuchiura Plant


TOP Sustainability Environment
Climate Change