TOP Sustainability Society
Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

The Tokyo Seimitsu Group has developed a system that enables all employees to be active while balancing work and life. By promoting diverse and flexible work styles, we aim to improve productivity, achieve work-life balance, and create a work environment that is comfortable for everyone.


Annual paid leave

100% acquisition rate (five days of annual leave)

Eligible employees who are granted at least 10 days of paid leave per year
This does not include special paid leave or other leave other than annual paid leave


  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Annual paid leave acquisition rate (%) 65.9 69.8 76.7 72.3
Rate of taking five days of annual paid leave (%) 100 100 100 100
Number of employees taking refreshment leave (persons) 6 14 34 22
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave (%)
(number of people taking leave/number of people eligible)
Women 100 (2/2) None eligible 100 (2/2)

100 (1/1)

Men 9.4 (3/32) 19.2 (5/26) 38.5 (10/26)

57.1 (16/28)

Return to work rate

100 100 100 100
Number of employees taking child-nursing leave (persons) 4 7 11 16
Number of employees who utilized the nursing care leave system (persons) 1 0 0 0
Number of employees who took nursing care leave (persons) 1 4 9 12

Scope: Regular employees of Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated basis)

Main Support Systems

Main Support Systems
Category Overview
Childcare leave system
The maximum length of absence can be extended until the child reaches three years of age
Employees are paid 20% of wages during the period of absence until the child reaches two years of age
Child-nursing leave
This leave is available for up to five days per year per child up to junior high school graduation
Reduced working hours for childcare
Employees raising children up to junior high school age may reduce their scheduled working hours by up to three hours per day
Nursing care leave system
Up to three leaves of absence are available per person eligible for nursing care, not exceeding a total of 1 year
Employees are paid 20% of wages during these leave periods.
Nursing leave
Up to five days may be taken per year per person eligible for care, or up to 10 days if there are two or more people eligible for care
Nursing care shortened working hours system
Employees caring for a family member may reduce their scheduled working hours by up to three hours per day
Days for leaving work on time
Wednesdays and bonus payment days (twice a year) are set as days for leaving work on time
Long-term leave system
Five consecutive vacation days each fiscal year (two days of Company holidays + three days annual paid leave)
Refreshment leave system
Employees who are 50 years of age or older and have reached 10 years of service are entitled to 10 consecutive days of vacation (in addition to vacation, travel vouchers or cash payment)
Hourly paid leave system
In addition to half-day installments (morning and afternoon), leave may be taken in hourly increments

Welfare Benefits

We help our employees achieve a work-life balance by providing a full range of welfare benefits. Employees can easily take advantage of services, including discount services for leisure, dining, etc.

List of Welfare Benefits

Property accumulation saving scheme, employee shareholding association, employee cafeterias* (Hachioji, Hanno, and Tsuchiura), comprehensive welfare benefits program* (Benefit Station), mutual aid association, long-term service commendations, and club activities*

* indicates a system (or activity) non-regular employees can also join.


TOP Sustainability Society
Work-Life Balance