Return Repair with In-house Services

HANDYSURF+35 provides peace of mind and reliability for both customers purchasing new instruments as well as existing customers, ensuring their instruments can be used for years to come.

Even the smallest, vital instruments receive the utmost care by Tosei Engineering.
"Inspection and calibration" by specially-trained service engineers keeps HANDYSURF+ in top condition.
The attention to detail by our service engineers ensures "peace of mind" for customers.
Care and Support Coverage
Once per year Inspection and calibration (send to factory)
Standard pickup 1 needle included
Repair costs 20%OFF
Agreement period 1 year
Care and Support process

There are conditions required for entering the Care and Support agreement.
Inspections are initiated by the customer, and no notification is provided for inspection timing.
No loan machines are available during calibrations, inspections or repairs.
Check the application form for more details.
Verify the pickup model being used.
・ E-DT-SM10A tip R5 μm 90° cone diamond
・ E-DT-SM49B tip R5 μm 60° cone diamond
Address for sending inspection, calibration and repair units
2-14, Kitakandatsu-machi, Tsuchiura-city,
Ibaraki, 300-0015, Japan
Tosei Engineering Corp.
Service Business, Multipurpose Measurement Department
In-house Services Group
In-house Services Team
Email: service_repair@toseieng.co.jp