vol.08 - JEOL Ltd.

About President Oi

School days

School days


President Oi, let me start by asking about your memories of your school days, as well as your hobbies and personal motto. You were a liberal arts student.


That's right. I majored in history in the Faculty of Letters. When I was on a job hunt like many other students, visiting various corporations in various fields, I learned of a company called JEOL. So, I attended its recruitment session, where they told me about their business, and I found the company quite interesting.


What are your memories of your school days?


I was just an ordinary student. My hobby is playing classical piano. I was a member of a student club called "Piano-no-kai" (Piano Circle) at university, and we would hold concerts and other events. I still play the piano once in a while.




Do you have any personal motto or favorite words?


None in particular, but I like what our company philosophy says. It says things like "challenges the world's highest technology" and "contributing to the progress in science."




Tell us about what happened after you joined the company.


My career started at the Tokyo Branch, where I worked as a sales rep mainly for electron microscopes. Fortunately, I had good customers and spent very happy times at this branch. Having been a liberal arts student, I knew almost nothing about much of my work at first. But it was fun to know what kinds of research the professors were doing and what private companies solved through their R&D activities.

Then, I got transferred to the overseas sales department, where I oversaw the business in Asia from Tokyo for about two years. After that, I worked in Boston, U.S. for nine years.


So, you spent nine years abroad. The total time working in overseas sales is about 11 years when the time you spent for Asia is included.


You're right. After returning to Japan, I was in charge of a group for promoting the sale of electron microscopes for a year. Then, for the following three years, I worked as a chief engineer for a department that dealt with scanning electron microscopes. All of my subordinates had majored in science at university, and every one of them was older than me.


Your company deals with very challenging, leading-edge technologies. They must be difficult to understand.


Understanding new design-related technologies is hard to do. In hindsight, though, I think that management wanted me to act as an intermediate between engineering and market, figuring out how a specific technology would help us gain a competitive edge in a specific market.


In order to lead a tech company, you need to be savvy about technology.


Yes. I have learned a lot about technical issues and the steps of the product development process. The past three years have given me a pretty good experience in terms of trying new things.

What he has valued in his work


What have you valued in your work?


When you make a decision, you shouldn't be self-complacent. You have to listen to other people, look carefully at the situation of the market, and figure out what is the best thing to do. Planning is important, but what is more important is the ability to execute a strategy and move things forward.

Our strength is technologies that only a few companies in the world possess

About JEOL

About JEOL


Next, let me ask you about your company. Your company and mine have a lot in common. Both companies were established in the same year and mark the 75th anniversary this year. We are both tech companies. You do business in three segments - scientific and metrology instruments, industrial equipment, and medical equipment. We do business in two - metrology and semiconductors. We are also similar in scale, with roughly 4,000 group employees each. We are both in the final year of our respective three-year mid-term business plans, and our target figures are almost the same. All this makes me feel a sense of affinity with you. Of the products and services you provide, which do you think is the greatest asset? What have you been focused on, and what sets it apart from the rest?


Our company was established to develop electron microscopes. As you know, electron microscopes are used to see and measure very tiny things. We have been focused on the technologies for these instruments. These days, there is a growing need to see and measure things in the realm of nanometers. Our strength is the ability to deal with microscopic things in many different ways using cutting-edge technologies.

These are very niche technologies. The Japanese government has selected us as one of the global niche top companies twice - once for electron microscopes and once for nuclear magnetic resonators or NMRs. We have technologies that only a few companies in the world have.

2nd place for Japanese corporate sector in the Nature Index Ranking

Source :



Also, Nature magazine releases a Nature index ranking of Japanese companies every year. It ranks universities, national institutions, private businesses, and countries based on how many of their papers were accepted in influential scientific magazines. The ranking is updated every year, and we ranked second among Japanese companies in 2023. Top scientists conduct researches using our instruments, and our engineers often coauthor papers with these scientists.


That's amazing. Your greatest strength is technology after all.


Whether it be electron microscopes or NMRs, technologies keep evolving. What makes our company special is its ability to do R&D using those technologies. Our job is to think about how to use the technologies for our business and put the ideas into action.

Challenges to nurture the future of science and technology

Sustainability initiatives

Sustainability initiatives


I suppose you place emphasis on sustainability activities, too. What are you doing to ensure sustainability?


I think there are two key points. I hate to brag, but one is to keep expanding our business. That helps a lot in contributing to science and technology on a continuous basis. For example, electron microscopes made it possible to discover a COVID-19 virus strain and observe how it binds to human proteins, which led to the development of a vaccine.

The other key point is science education. Our special team of staff visits elementary schools and junior high schools with desk-top electron microscopes to give lessons almost every day.

Investment in human capital

Investment in human capital


To keep evolving technology, human resources are critically important. Is there anything in particular you do to address this need?


NMRs and electron microscopes involve very niche technologies. There are almost no university graduates in Japan who master the basics of these technologies before joining the company. That leaves us with no option but to develop human resources on our own. But we already have a basis for it. With regard to electron microscopes, for example, there are some constituent technologies such as electro-optical technology for producing lenses and vacuum technology. We have professionals for each of these technologies and a menu of programs for training engineers. We also have our employees work at universities and laboratories to develop human resources well versed in a specific field of technology.

Another area of interest is overseas business. We are focused on developing human resources capable of doing business globally and are stepping up our English education program.


What exactly do you do for English education?


We have 26 overseas offices. Every year, we select about 100 employees from across the company as candidates for working abroad in the future. These people take high-quality English lessons with all expenses paid by the company.


So, your company is committed to developing human resources capable of working successfully abroad.


That's right. We now export to more than 130 countries across the world, the ratio of export being around 65%. Maintaining and expanding our overseas network is extremely important. Without this network, our company will not grow. That's why we put enormous emphasis on English education, and we encourage our engineers to do presentations at overseas academic conferences to gain experience.

Measuring instruments that supports the manufacture of high-precision components

Relationship with measuring instruments

Relationship with measuring instruments


Tell us about where you use our products and what you think of them?


I had my people do a little research about how we came to introduce your measuring instruments. The coordinate measuring machine, which we have just decided to upgrade, was introduced in 1999 and has been used continuously since then. Before that time, much of the work relied on craftsmanship and, according to what I was told, this coordinate measuring machine was one of the reasons that made the engineers back then realize that there would be no progress in manufacturing unless such a measurement technique was adopted.

We use your measuring instrument, for example, to measure the height and roundness of the lens in an electron microscope. We have created a software program by ourselves for automatic measurement. I hear that you have been flexibly tweaking the new measuring instrument you are going to deliver to us to make sure that our software program runs smoothly on it. I really appreciate your cooperation.

Coordinate Measuring Machines


The measuring instrument we are going to deliver to you features the world's highest accuracy. I suppose that you are quite fixated on the accuracy of every part of your machine.


Yes. We need to control the movement of the machine in vacuum in nanometers. That requires extremely high levels of accuracy and quality.

Requests towards Tokyo Seimitsu


I hope our measuring instruments help you achieve the highest level of accuracy in the world's most advanced machine. Is there anything else you want us to do for you?


I hear that your service is great and that your people respond to our requests in a flexible manner. Our employees are very satisfied with you. I look forward to seeing your new measuring instrument.

The creation of new value by YOKOGUSHI

Thoughts on business and manufacturing

Thoughts on business and manufacturing


Tell us about what you think of your business and manufacturing in general as you move toward the future.


I think the philosophy of the founder and our corporate DNA that drives us to contribute to science and technology are very important. These enhance employee engagement as well. But it's not just that. We need a cycle where we make profits and then invest those profits in R&D and further investments, thereby doing the leading-edge stuff. In my view, scientific and measuring instruments are important not only in the area of science and technology, but they are also vital in the area of industry. For example, we have supplied major semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan and South Korea with electron microscopes we developed for semiconductors.

By providing unique solutions to big markets, we grow our company and earn profits, leading to social contribution. I hope to keep this virtuous cycle going.



Does your YOKOGUSHI initiative reflect this idea of yours?


Yes. More than 10 years ago, we realized that some of the solutions customers needed could not be provided by a single business department alone. Enabling these solutions required the use of other products and applications. We concluded that it was necessary to build a solution together with members of other business departments while considering their devices as well. That's how we started YOKOGUSHI.

I had this idea of working with not just in-house personnel but also other companies, utilizing their excellent products and solutions, so that we could create synergy. For example, we developed an entirely new device called the multi-beam mask writer jointly with an Austrian company called IMS. Behind YOKOGUSHI lies the notion that collaboration of two or three companies - not a single-company effort - can generate unprecedented value.


Our company is quite similar to yours in that respect. We also aggregate various technologies and resources from around the world and create the world's best products. Our corporate philosophy is to contribute to society by doing so. Listening to what you have just said, I have realized that you do business in pretty much the same way as we do. I hope we can collaborate on some project with you someday.


Yes. That would be great.

Executive Interviews

Hitoshi Yoshida

Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.

Chairman and CEO

Hitoshi Yoshida

April 1983

Jointed Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.

April 2002

Executive Officer, Metrology Company

April 2005

Managing Executive Officer, Metrology Company

June 2005


April 2015

President and CEO

April 2022

Chairman and CEO (to present)


Awarded the ND Marketing Award


Appointed as Chairman of the Japan Precision Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Association (current position)

Izumi Oi

JEOL Ltd. President & CEO

Izumi Oi

April 1986

Jointed JEOL Ltd.

April 2012

General Manager of Management Strategy Planning Division

June 2013

Corporate Officer & General Manager of Management Strategy Planning Division

June 2015

Director & Corporate Officer, General Manager of Management Strategy Planning Division

June 2016

Director & Executive Officer, General Manager of Management Strategy Planning Division

April 2019

Director & Executive Officer, Assistant Position in charge of Management Strategy Planning

June 2019

Representative Director, President & COO, in charge of Overall Management

June 2022

Representative Director, President & CEO (to the present)



JEOL Ltd. was established as Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd. in 1949. The company is a scientific and metrology instrument manufacturer that develops electron microscopes and other world-class advanced equipment in the field of nanotechnology.
JEOL provides a suite of instruments that supports R&D activities of many institutions and corporations in both the public and private sectors in a range of fields from basic research to practical application.

※Information as of September 2024.

Other User's Voice - CEO Dialogue