As a technical support organization, Oita Industrial Research Institute (OIRI) comprehensively supports monozukuri activities of companies in Oita prefecture. We spoke to OIRI about why they began using ACCRETECH products and their impressions thereof.
Accurately Grasping Needs to Support Monozukuri of Oita-based Companies

epilogue Tokyo Seimitsu’s thoughts after speaking
Oita Prefecture Industry and Science Technology Center
Kazuo Shigemitsu, Senior Researcher
Since the time of its predecessor, Oita Prefectural Brewing Laboratory, which was established in 1910, OIRI has been functioning as a technical support organization for companies in the prefecture for more than a century. As a promotion organization for the Oita Industry Vitality Creation Strategy formulated by Oita Prefecture's Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labor, OIRI supports the advancement of industrial centers and the strengthening of local companies while working to solve individual technical issues of companies in Oita Prefecture under the motto of "Hands-on, Speed, Reform, and Challenge."
Location: 1-4361-10 Takae-nishi, Oita city, Oita prefecture, 870-1117, JAPAN
Please tell us about OIRI.

OIRI was established within the prefecture's Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labor for the purpose of "promoting industries in the prefecture centered on commerce and industry." The institute supports companies in the prefecture as a technical support organization for manufacturers of various products, including medical devices, mechatronics, and aircraft. As a person in charge of machinery, I measure workpieces brought in by companies in Oita. In addition, we lease our equipment to Oita companies.
What were your reasons for introducing our measuring equipment to your operations?

When we were considering updating our equipment, we became aware that ACCRETECH’s measuring machines offered submicron measurement accuracy and high versatility, so made the decision to introduce them. We used the subsidy project of JKA (KEIRIN) to purchase this equipment. In the past, OIRI has used subsidies for the installation of expensive equipment that was difficult to purchase within the Oita Prefectural Government’s budget, and there have been many such purchases utilizing subsidies in the past. Speaking of measuring machines made by ACCRETECH, our institute introduced the roundness and cylindricity profile measuring machines at the time of our establishment also through a subsidization program.
Please tell us your impressions of using our measuring equipment

We knew that the performance of your measuring equipment was very good from the time we were considering it, but thanks to the submicron-level measurement accuracy, the reliability of measurement results has increased even further. Compared to the previous equipment, I feel that your equipment really harbors a lot of potential as it can be used in many more ways on top of its basic usage. Moreover, your service personnel have come to IORI several times since we began using your machines to teach how to use them, and this has really helped us.
We heard your institute ran a Precision Measurement Technology Course after adopting our measuring equipment.

Yes, we ran the course in March after introducing our new CMM from ACCRETECH. The course consisted of both theoretical and practical training to teach people from companies without a measuring machine or who are anxious about measuring with their own equipment about the basics of measuring equipment and become more familiar by actually operating the measuring equipment themselves. In order to achieve highly reliable manufacturing, not only advanced processing technology but also basic knowledge and accurate measurement technology for evaluating and guaranteeing product accuracy are essential. From the standpoint of OIRI as a technical support organization, we would like to let people know about the importance of measurement and the value of measuring machines. We were happy that this course enabled participants to learn how to use CMMs and realize their worth. The course was very well-received.
Please tell us any future goals you may have.

As a technical support organization, OIRI strives to contribute to local companies. Specifically, in the future, we will establish an organization specializing in CMM-based measurement called the "CMM Club" to provide a place for local companies to share information. In the future, we plan to offer a rotating measurement service for workpieces with difficult-to-measure shapes. I think that the discussion with the members will become really lively even just by seeing the change that occurs when the same workpiece is rotated around various locations and measured in different environments. I'm looking forward to it already.
What are some future challenges?

We want to offer a comprehensive support to the manufacturing industry, which includes local companies, however, this is difficult to achieve. We’d like to use our advantages of being a technical support organization to the fullest and have various people make good use of us.
Finally, what are your expectations of ACCRETECH?

Please continue to promote world-class monozukuri. I am very happy with the support ACCRETECH provides, so I hope our good relationship continues on into the future.
Tokyo Seimitsu’s thoughts after speaking
Based on its three pillars of business: Comprehensive support for corporate manufacturing activities, revival of industries in the prefecture through technological capabilities, and support through diverse collaboration, Oita Industrial Research Institute provides everything from comprehensive support for small and medium-sized enterprises to the revival of industries in the prefecture for the future. In order to address various technical issues relating to the manufacturing activities of Oita companies, OIRI strives to solve issues swiftly through performing tests upon request, loaning out equipment, joint research, and other services based on responses to technical consultations. OIRI was the first technical support organization in the Kyushu area to introduce ACCRETECH’s CMM to their operations. In the future, we hope that ACCRETECH products will contribute to solving any issues faced by companies attempting to pursue monozukuri activities.