Basic Sustainability Policy
The Tokyo Seimitsu Group strives to enhance its corporate value while playing an active role aimed at realizing a sustainable society by forming WIN-WIN relationships with all shareholders, including customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, local communities, and the international community, through our business activities based on our Corporate Philosophy “Growing together with partners and customers by collaborating technology, knowledge, and information to create the world’s No.1 products,” which we put into practice.
1. Efforts to address environmental issues
Throughout the entire value chain, including the life cycle of the products we provide, we will contribute to the realization of society that values people and the global environment by working to reduce CO₂ emissions, reduce waste and promote reuse, and protect the global environment, including biodiversity.
2. Earning the trust of society
We strictly comply with all laws and regulations and conduct business activities in a sincere and fair way to ensure fair competition, stable provision of safe and high-quality products and services that meet customer needs, and appropriate disclosure of product and corporate information, among other things. We also ensure thorough management and protection of the information assets of customers and all other stakeholders involved in our business activities, to earn a high degree of trust from society.
3. Respect for human rights
We respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including socially vulnerable people, without regard for the attributes of individuals such as gender and nationality. We promote the creation of safe, healthy, and rewarding workplaces where each member of a diverse workforce can demonstrate their capabilities to the utmost.
4. Human resource development
Employees are the core assets of the Tokyo Seimitsu Group. In order for the Company to create the world’s No. 1 products with its employees, it is necessary for each employee to perform to the best of their strengths as professionals. It is also essential that employees recognize and accept the diverse values of diverse human resources and grow together by bringing the best out of one another. Tokyo Seimitsu offers a suite of in-house programs, including training courses to help employees grow, and creates a work environment that is rewarding to a diverse workforce.
5. Participation in and contribution to local communities
While contributing to society through our business activities, we are also committed to social contribution activities to address the issues and needs of local communities as part of our effort as a corporate citizen to build healthy and sustainable society. By doing so, we promote the revitalization of local communities and the improvement of the living environment.
6. Building and running a fair, transparent, and efficient corporate governance system
We consider corporate governance a key management issue for respecting shareholders’ rights, ensuring fairness and transparency in management, and realizing our corporate philosophy. To this end, we implement a quick, appropriate decision-making process and strengthen our supervisory function. We also take initiatives to enhance our corporate governance continuously to increase our corporate value on a medium- and long-term basis and maintain the soundness of our management.
Establishment of Sustainability Committee
We have established a Sustainability Committee with the aim of promoting sustainable activities more vigorously than ever based on the basic sustainability policy.
■ Functions, composition, and operation of the Sustainability Committee
(1) Functions
This committee plans and executes sustainability-related activities. In particular, it promotes the following activities:
- Formulation of policies, operational frameworks, and targets; monitoring and organization of information;
and reporting to the Board of Directors.
- Projects for responding to recommendations of TCFD ( Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
- Various reports and matters related to information disclosure
(2) Committee
Chairman: President and CEO
Vice-Chairman: Executive Vice President and COO
(3) Operation
The committee holds a regular meeting twice a year and an ad-hoc meeting as necessary.
Secretariat: Sustainability Dept. and Management Support Dept.