Materiality Issues

In line with the Mid-term Business Plan (started in fiscal 2022) for fiscal 2024, after reviewing the status of the value chain surrounding the Group’s activities, its impact on the environment and society, and other issues to be taken into account, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group has revised its materiality as follows. By presenting specific initiatives and goals, we have clarified the issues that each employee needs to address and made it easier for them to understand the value of their work, thereby increasing their motivation. We will continue to revise our materiality as necessary and appropriate.

Process of Defining the Material Issues

Process of Defining the Material Issues
Rapidly-changing Environment, Society, and Industries

Climate change, abnormal weather, typhoons, and earthquakes caused by global warming

Technological development : VR/AR, autonomous driving, AI, electronic payments, telework

Negative effects of technology : Creation of a digital divide, energy issues, and information leaks

Labor shortages

Prevalence of COVID-19

External Conditions Surrounding the Group and Social Issues, Including Sustainability
Society 5.0 (fusion of the cyber and physical realms)
Semiconductor devices are becoming more sophisticated in terms of performance, complex, and transitioning to 3D designs

Growing demand for semiconductors and electronic components

Increasing needs for performing measurements in non-automotive fields, including the semiconductor, aircraft, and medical fields

Climate Change
Practical application of ultra-efficient next-generation power semiconductors (such as SiC/GaN)

Expansion of NEV and renewable energy markets as a result of carbon neutrality initiatives

Demographic Changes
Increasing demand for semiconductors due to the proliferation of DX and AI in response to the declining workforce

Trend toward the automation of manufacturing due to the declining workforce
Process of Defining the Material Issues
Material Issues

E Environment

Products and business activities that contribute to resolving environmental problems
Environmental contributions through the provision of products and services

S Society

Respect for human rights
High-value-added products that resolve social issues
Supply chain development
Creating a workplace where a diverse range of people can play an active role and are physically and mentally healthy and fulfilled in their work

G Governance

Management foundation that supports corporate activities

Stronger risk management
Process of Defining the Material Issues
The Sustainability of the Tokyo Seimitsu Group
Gaging the future with Metrology,
Creating the future with Semiconductors
The Tokyo Seimitsu Group is always committed to building a “future full of dreams.”
Contribute to the realization of an advanced networked society with cutting-edge technology. Aim to become a futurecreating company that supports “innovation in manufacturing.”

Sustainability Objectives and Priority Initiatives

The Tokyo Seimitsu Group has established sustainability objectives and priority initiatives in order to incorporate material issues for the Group into concrete activities. The Sustainability Committee as well as Teams for Responding to Important Issues and subcommittees created to address important issues formulate and implement action plans based on that framework. After material issues have been defined, the Sustainability Committee conduct related reports and evaluations. Based on the results, the Third Sustainability Committee Meeting (held on April 24, 2023) reviewed priority initiatives, plans, and targets for fiscal 2023.

  Materiality Issues

Sustainability Objectives

Priority Initiatives Action Plans and Results



Products and business activities that contribute to resolving environmental problems

Environmental contributions through the provision of products and services

Prevention of global warming

Resource-saving activities

Formation of a recyclingoriented society

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction in consumption of electricity, water, and paper

Development of environmentally friendly products

Energy and water saving at the Hanno Plant



Respect for human rights

Respect for human rights

Education on human rights

Human rights due diligence

Establishment of a relief system

High-value-added products that resolve social issues

Product liability

Quality control

Chemical substances control

Supply chain development

Reduction of procurement risk

Reinforcement of the supply chain

Creating a workplace where a diverse range of people can play an active role and are physically and mentally healthy and fulfilled in their work

Employee job satisfaction

Health and safety


Human resource development

Improving health and safety

Diversity promotion

Promotion of human resource development

Improvement of engagement



Management foundation that supports corporate activities


Sustainable business growth

Enhanced competitive strength

Fair, transparent, and prompt
corporate activities

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption

Internal control functions

Corporate ethics and legal compliance

Timely and appropriate information disclosure

Sound whistleblower system

Compliance education

Stronger risk management

Crisis management such as disaster response

Business continuity plan
