Stakeholder Engagement

The Tokyo Seimitsu Group believes that continuous, active, two-way communication with various stakeholders is important in creating business value and social value while fulfilling our social responsibilities. By sharing information on real needs and issues through sincere communication with stakeholders, we seek to build strong and deep relationships of trust and grow together.

Stakeholder Engagement

Establishment of the Multistakeholder Policy

In our corporate management, we aim to achieve significant growth together with our diverse stakeholders, including employees, business partners, customers, local communities, shareholders, and investors, through “WIN-WIN” relationships. Additionally, we will promote initiatives to appropriately distribute profits and things of value generated through value co-creation and productivity improvement to multistakeholders, taking into account the importance of returning profits to employees and giving due consideration to business partners.


Tokyo Seimitsu’s Responsibilities

Product quality (provide stable and reliable products)

Support quality (provide prompt and meticulous support)

Delivery quality (ensure safety at production sites)

Provide environmentally friendly products

Manage customer information appropriately

Provide product information appropriately

Augment compliance awareness (compliance education)

Develop competent quality-related personnel (quality education)

Respond to environmental laws and regulations, such as RoHS, REACH, and POPs

Major Means of Communication

Implementation of customer satisfaction questionnaire (once a year)

Support from Sales and/or Customer service divisions (as needed)

Exhibitions/events (several times a year)

Metrology Centers (seminars and workshops, private trade shows, etc.) (several times a year)

Training services, remote support, etc.

Key Results in Fiscal 2023

Objectives Initiatives/structures Main outcome of activities
Increased customer satisfaction Questionnaire-based survey

Customer satisfaction surveys (once a year)
Percentage of satisfactory ratings : 95.1%

Global support structure Stable parts supply structure 17 locations in Japan and overseas,
CE Stock Search System
Customer training 25 companies, total of 47 training days
Support activities to
build customer’s future
Metrology Centers Four locations in Japan, nine overseas
Overseas showrooms Seminars and classes (including web-based seminars)
Provision of solutions
Consigned measurement
Overseas technical training


Tokyo Seimitsu’s Responsibilities

Consideration of human rights and compliance with labor-related laws and regulations

Initiatives for safe workplace environments

Creation of healthy workplaces where people can work with a sense of purpose

Realization of comfortable workplace environments where people can play active long-term roles

Provision of opportunities for every individual to grow

Major Means of Communication

Labor-management negotiation

Whistleblower system

Education, seminars, e-learning

Regular meetings between supervisors and subordinates

Message from the Board to employees at the beginning of the year

Information dissemination via company newsletters and intranet

Key Results in Fiscal 2023

Objectives Initiatives/structures Main outcome of activities
Ensuring of safe and secure workplaces Zero accidents resulting in leave Accidents resulting in leave : 4
Skills/special education training Total participants : 322
Mental and physical health Healthy Company Declaration Percentage of people undergoing health checkups : 92.3%
Video dissemination on health topics
Realization of comfortable workplace
environments where people can play
active long-term roles
Measures to Address Long
Working Hours
Rate of taking five or more days of annual paid leave : 100%
Action Plan for Promoting
Employment and Careers of Women
Percentage of female regular employee hires : 22.1%
Percentage of female regular employees : 10.3%
Provision of opportunities for every
individual to grow
Human resource training/
Common training (major themes) : 4,686 hours*
Level-specific training (major themes) : 10,307 hours*
Sustainability training for new employees (70 people)*

* Scope : Regular employees of Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated basis)

Shareholders and Investors

Tokyo Seimitsu’s Responsibilities

Timely, appropriate, and fair disclosure of corporate information

Assurance of shareholders' rights, equality, etc.

Secure earnings and appropriate profit distribution through medium- and long-term corporate growth

Major Means of Communication

General meeting of shareholders (once a year), Issuance of shareholder newsletters (twice a year), and Briefings for Individual Investors (once a year)

Business results briefings (four times a year) and dialogue with institutional investors and security analysts

Reports (Securities Report, Integrated Report, etc.)

Website (IR information, Sustainability, product information, etc.)

Key Results in Fiscal 2023

Objectives Initiatives/structures Main outcome of activities
Fair and appropriate information disclosure 101st Regular Shareholders’ Meeting Number of times : 1;
Rate of exercise of voting rights : 82.0%
Handling coverage by institutional investors/analysts Number of times : 680 total
Conferences for overseas investors Number of times : 6
Briefings for individual investors Number of times : 1 (online participants : 1,520)
Business results briefings/press conferences

Number of times : 4

Business results briefings materials and other materials

In fiscal 2023, due in part to the increased focus on semiconductor stocks, we saw a significant increase in the number of interviews that we held with institutional investors and analysts. As a result, we have increased the number of IR personnel to increase opportunities for dialogue and established an internal system to enable constructive dialogue by providing the answers to common questions of investors in disclosure materials. In addition, in order to provide overseas investors with information in a fair manner, Tokyo Seimitsu, in principle, translates disclosed information into English and provides it on the English version of its website simultaneously or quickly after information is disclosed in Japanese.

Local Community

Tokyo Seimitsu’s Responsibilities

Activities that contribute to local companies

Activities that contribute to local communities

Disaster relief and stockpiling in surrounding areas

Major Means of Communication

Joined Tokyo Federation of Labor Standards Associations, Hachioji Branch

Tsuchiura Eco-Partner Agreement/Submission of activity report to Tsuchiura City (once a year)

Volunteer activities in local communities (environmental conservation)

Plant tours and work experience opportunities

Key Results in Fiscal 2023

Relationship with local communities Main expectations and values Community/system Main outcome of activities
Hachioji City Coexistence with local companies Tokyo Federation of Labor Standards Associations, Hachioji Branch General Affairs and Public Relations Department at Hachioji branch, regular public relations newsletter published 5 times/year
Fire prevention campaign Hachioji Association for Safety of Hazardous Materials and Hachioji Fire Prevention Management Study Group Strengthened safety measures, conducted fire prevention campaign
Environmental conservation activities Hachioji City Adopt-A-Road Program Cleanup of the rotary on the east side of JR Kita-Hachioji Station : 3 times, 86 participants
Tsuchiura City Environmental conservation activities Eco-partner Agreement Eco-Partner business plan and results report
Cleanup of Nakanuki Park : 50 times, total 100 participants
Local schools Support for students Invitations to the Hachioji Plant Support for career education programs
“SEMI FREAKS” Future College Participated in “Future COLLEGE@SEMICON2023,” a joint information session


Tokyo Seimitsu’s Responsibilities

Fair and equitable transactions

Safety, human rights, and environmental considerations in the supply chain

Support for resolving CSR issues

Appropriate provision of information

Major Means of Communication

Sustainability assessment (once a year)

Support through procurement activities (as needed)

Supplier CSR Guideline

Web-based system for suppliers

Workshop for suppliers, CSR seminar (once a year)

Commendations for suppliers (once a year)

Key Results in Fiscal 2023

Objectives Initiatives/structures Main outcome of activities
Entrenchment of CSR procurement Supply Chain Working Group Workshop for suppliers (July 2023), CSR seminar (schedule to be held again in FY2024)
CSR surveys/check-ups Sustainability assessment Target : 125 companies accounting for the top 80% of the value of purchases, 90.4% response rate
Strengthening of information sharing Web-Based System for Suppliers

Request for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake impact investigation, etc.

Manufacturer’s responsibility CSR training for employees e-learning

Participation in Industry Groups

Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ)

Tokyo Seimitsu is a member of the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ) and participates in the activities of the Service sub-committee and Safety Training sub-committee of the Safety & Support Committee, which aims to enhance the quality of maintenance services, including for semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and achieve a zero accident rate among service representatives.

In order to share information with SEAJ member companies, the FY2023 SEAJ China Business Promotion Team has set up a bulletin board for posting local updates on the SEAJ China Travel and Movement Information Exchange site. In addition, SEAJ has created a new list of points to keep in mind when staying in China to introduce and alert visitors to cases that they should be aware of when staying in China, and has posted it on the SEAJ website.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible for standardization in major industrial fields. As a representative of Japan to TC213, which deliberates and establishes standards for geometrical product specifications (GPS) in the Technical Committee, Tokyo Seimitsu participates in working groups covering coordinate measuring machine standards, roundness measuring machine standards, surface texture measuring instrument/filter standards, and measurement uncertainty standards. In particular, as a project leader of international meetings to discuss specifications and standards for roundness measuring machines and to revise calibration standards for surface texture measuring machines, we are promoting the international standardization of Japanese proposals. As discussions on specifications and standards for roundness measuring machines are in the final stage, the specifications and standards are scheduled to be officially published in fiscal 2024.

The Japan Society for Precision Engineering

The Japan Society for Precision Engineering is organized by experts in their respective fields to promote the sound development of precision engineering technology and to conduct ongoing research on important issues. Tokyo Seimitsu participates in the Expert Committee for Intelligent Nano-Measurement*¹ and the Expert Committee for Convergence Engineering*². Also, in fiscal 2022, one of our employees was appointed to the society’s board, where he will work to promote its activities. In addition to exhibiting equipment at academic lectures held in the spring and fall, we also participate in corporate awards for outstanding student presentations.

*¹ Expert Committee for Intelligent Nano-Measurement

An expert committee on technological developments including intelligent data processing, traceability, and standardization

*² Expert Committee for Convergence Engineering

An expert committee on new design and productive techniques that digitize object information from 3D shape scanning technologies (industrial X-ray CT and 3D surface scanners) and utilize that information in digital engineering systems (CAD, CAM, CAE)

Japan Precision Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Association

To promote the precision measuring instruments industry in Japan, The Japan Precision Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Association holds comprehensive exhibitions concerning measurement and all related aspects, promotes standardization that contributes to the improvement of technology and quality, and holds seminars in collaboration with other organizations. Hitoshi Yoshida, Chairman and CEO of Tokyo Seimitsu, has been the Chairman of this industrial association since fiscal 2020.

At the Measuring Technology Expo 2023 hosted by our industry association, our company members took the lead in planning, preparing, and operating the Precision Measurement Equipment Utilization Seminar.
